Schema Types By Category

schema types by category

Here’s an organized list of possible schema types for structured data, grouped into relevant categories:

1. Creative Works

  • Article
  • BlogPosting
  • Book
  • Movie
  • MusicRecording
  • Painting
  • Photograph
  • Recipe
  • Review
  • TVSeries
  • VideoObject

2. Commerce and Organization

  • LocalBusiness
  • Organization
  • Store
  • Brand
  • Product
  • Offer
  • AggregateOffer

3. Events

  • Event
  • Festival
  • MusicEvent
  • SportsEvent
  • TheaterEvent

4. People and Relationships

  • Person
  • ContactPoint
  • EmployeeRole
  • Family
  • OrganizationRole

5. Places and Locations

  • Place
  • LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings
  • LocalBusiness
  • TouristAttraction

6. Health and Medicine

  • MedicalCondition
  • MedicalProcedure
  • MedicalTest
  • Drug
  • Hospital
  • Physician

7. Education and Courses

  • Course
  • EducationalOrganization
  • School
  • CollegeOrUniversity

8. News and Media

  • NewsArticle
  • BroadcastEvent
  • BroadcastService
  • RadioStation
  • TVStation

9. Technology and Computing

  • SoftwareApplication
  • WebApplication
  • MobileApplication

10. Travel and Transportation

  • Flight
  • BusTrip
  • TrainTrip
  • Car
  • Bike
  • Boat

11. Finance and Banking

  • BankAccount
  • CreditCard
  • InvestmentFund
  • LoanOrCredit

12. Food and Beverages

  • Menu
  • MenuItem
  • Restaurant
  • Recipe

13. Home and Garden

  • House
  • Apartment
  • Garden
  • Furniture

14. Law and Government

  • GovernmentOrganization
  • Legislation
  • Court
  • LegalService

15. Sports and Recreation

  • SportsTeam
  • SportsOrganization
  • ExercisePlan
  • SportsEvent

16. Jobs and Careers

  • JobPosting
  • Occupation
  • EmployeeRole

17. Arts and Entertainment

  • EntertainmentBusiness
  • PerformingArtsTheater
  • ComedyClub
  • NightClub

18. Services and Amenities

  • Service
  • FinancialService
  • PostalAddress
  • InternetCafe

19. Real Estate

  • RealEstateAgent
  • Residence
  • SingleFamilyResidence
  • Apartment

20. Science and Nature

  • Dataset
  • ResearchProject
  • ScienceArticle
  • Researcher

These categories cover a wide range of structured data schema types and provide a useful way to organize and understand the various types available. Go to for more detail on each.

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